Monday, July 28, 2008

Weekend with my New Best Friends

With Baba and RieRie in town, we braved the evening heat and visited Trail Dust Town (an old movie studio turned tourist trap) to get a feel for what the old Southwest had to offer.

Here I am panning for gold with Elmo.

My head didn't get stuck this time.

The choo-choo train coming around the bend. Even though it moved at a snail's pace, I was pretty terrified.

When I got on the train, my diaper was clean...

We ate at Pinnacle Peak, where ties are not allowed. If you wear one, they cut it off and hang it up. The menu has just about one thing... meat, meat and more meat. I got the green beans and dipped them in my mashed potatoes.

Enjoying some banjo music after dinner.

This was definitely Baba's idea.

RieRie ate all my fruit snacks, so I had to lock her up.

The rest of the weekend was spent trying to find fun activities that involved air conditioning. We ate at a yummy pizza place, followed by gelato, visited the mall playground and pet store, and a used bookstore. Most of the time, though, we hung out at home where the food was free and the air conditioning plentiful.

Baba and I played catch with Monkey.

Showing off Tiny Baby (as opposed to Regular Baby who is on RieRie's lap).

Baba kept teasing me and saying that my Buddies liked him better.

But RieRie took pity on me.

Thank you Baba and RieRie for playing with me this weekend. I can't wait to do it again.

1 comment:

the coltons said...

this is such a cute post :)