Gotta love Arizona.Modeling my new (and slightly large) swimwear.
And here's my "sunscreen hair-do."
If anyone knows where my mom can purchase an ear-band to keep my earplugs from coming out in the pool, let her know. Our local Walgreens had no idea what she was talking about. Thanks!
Hmmm. I would try a Sports Authority or something similar. They probably have earplugs and "earbands" for competitive swimming. Although size might be an issue. Would those wax, moldable earplugs work?
Hmmm. I would try a Sports Authority or something similar. They probably have earplugs and "earbands" for competitive swimming. Although size might be an issue. Would those wax, moldable earplugs work?
We've got the earplugs. Now we just need an ear band so the plugs don't fall out in the pool. Good suggestion, I'll check out sports stores.
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